Based in Santa Monica, California, Melanie is a writer, speaker, and professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies. She is the founder and co-coordinator for the LA- based chapter of Women, Action and the Media, on the advisory board for the Brave Girls alliance, and the co-founder of the Yoga and Body Image Coalition. She is also a contributing author in 21st Century Yoga: Culture, Politics and Practice and featured in Conversations with Modern Yogis.
Connect with Melanie:
@FeministFatale (Twitter)
Feminist Fatale (Facebook)
Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Anna is the founder of, a training and inspiration portal for curvy yogis that has been featured in The Washington Post, Yoga Journal, U.S. News & World Report and Yoga International, among others.
Connect with Anna:
@CurvyYoga (Twitter)
Curvy Yoga (Facebook)